When will the COVID-19 vaccine be available?

Arzt, der ein Kind im Krankenhaus untersucht
September 10, 2020
When will the COVID-19 vaccine be available?

Scientists all around the world are trying to develop a vaccine against the new coronavirus. Initial clinical trials are underway, but any vaccine released must be safe for use. So patience is needed until an effective medicine is found. Until then, keep your distance, mantain hygiene levels and wear masks for everyday activities.

More than 170 vaccine studies against the Coronavirus have been launched worldwide

According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), more than 170 vaccine studies against the corona virus have been launched worldwide. 33 vaccines are currently in clinical tests (Phase 1-3) and 143 are in pre-clinical tests. Any vaccine released must be effective - in other words, it must protect against the disease, and it must be safe - that means it must not cause any damage to health. Establishing effectiveness and safety requires extensive testing, which takes time.

In general, the chances of developing a vaccine are very good. However, there are no precise forecasts possible when it will be available to the population and how long it will take to vaccinate a sufficient number of people. We will need to be patient a while longer.

Keep your distance, wear masks in public and practice good hygiene

Until then, just remember a few best practices to follow to help you stay safe:

  • Distance: maintain a distance of at least 1.5 metres from other people in public places,  for example on the way to work, or when shopping or walking.
  • Wear a mask: if the distance of at least 1.5 metres to others cannot easily be maintained you should wear an mask, especially indoors.
  • Hygiene: catch coughs and sneezes with a tissue and drop it in the bin. Ventilate closed rooms several times a day for a few minutes. Wash your hands regularly.

Hand hygiene stations should be installed in public places

In environments where water and soap are not available, it is advisable to sanitise hands instead. According to a recent World Health Organisation (WHO) recommendation, hand hygiene stations should be installed in public places in front of the entrance to any building and in all areas of transportation, including airports, train stations and even seaports. To prevent the spread of the virus, everyone needs to thoroughly clean their hands before entering and leaving buildings and all means of transport. However, not every institution follows this recommendation.

Our tip: always carry a bottle of hand sanitiser with you when you are out and about. Remember to thoroughly moisten your hands with the product, rub it in vigorously until your skin is dry, and don't forget your fingertips, thumbs and the space between your fingers. With a well formulated product this should take about 15-20 seconds.

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