Integrating climate goals into everyday life: 5 practical tips

Integrating climate goals into everyday life: 5 practical tips
July 10, 2023
Integrating climate goals into everyday life: 5 practical tips

At PURELL, we have taken another step towards a better future with the Journey To Green and our new sustainability goals. 
In light of the worsening climate crisis, it is also becoming increasingly important for each and every one of us to take action. Because while policy changes and collective efforts are crucial, personal actions can also have a significant impact. By making conscious choices and adopting sustainable habits, we can easily contribute to a healthier planet. Below we have compiled 5 practical tips that can help integrate initial climate goals into your own everyday life. Will you join in?

1. Energy Efficiency

Reducing your own energy consumption is an effective contribution to the fight against climate change. A first step can be to make your home a little more energy efficient. Switch to LED lights, unplug when you don't need it and use energy-efficient appliances. Also, setting the thermostat a few degrees lower can save a significant amount of energy without making anyone freeze. Additionally, consider possibly using a programmable thermostat to optimise energy consumption.

2. Sustainable Transport

Transport is a major contributor to greenhouse gas emissions. If you integrate sustainable transport options into your everyday life from time to time, you can significantly reduce your CO₂ footprint. Whenever possible, simply use public transport, carpool, cycle or walk. If the car is still a must, fuel-efficient vehicles or electric vehicles are an interesting option and now also a real alternative in terms of price.

3. Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

The mantra for climate-conscious living is "reduce, reuse, recycle". Buying products with minimal packaging avoids waste, as does opting for reusable alternatives such as cloth bags, water bottles and coffee mugs. Recycle diligently and make sure you know the recycling guidelines in your area. Additionally, composting organic waste can also be considered to reduce methane emissions from landfills, for example.

4. Plant-Based Diet

The food industry has a significant impact on greenhouse gas emissions and deforestation. More plant-based meals in one's diet can contribute significantly to reducing one's CO₂ footprint. Sounds a bit scary? Start small! Make sure to include more fruits, vegetables, legumes and whole grains in your meals while gradually reducing your consumption of animal products. Could you limit meat consumption to 1-2 times a week? This change not only benefits the environment, but also promotes personal health.

5. Save Water

Water scarcity is a pressing global issue and water conservation is essential for a sustainable lifestyle. Simple habits such as taking shorter showers, fixing leaks promptly or using efficient watering techniques for the garden can already make a big difference. Water-saving devices, such as low-flow taps and toilets, can also contribute to a sustainable household without much effort.
It is always tough to get started – we certainly found this. But integrating climate-friendly options into our daily lives is an urgent necessity if we want a sustainable future. Only through consistent and conscious action can we create a greener, cleaner and more sustainable planet for future generations. Let's take the first step together today and become agents of change in our daily lives.