Hygiene concept: What companies must consider
April 29, 2020
Hygiene concept: What companies must consider


Some countries are starting to reopen businesses in an attempt to get economies back on track. But that doesn't mean that companies can simply reopen their doors and carry on with business as usual. Employers must implement a strict hygiene program. We give an overview over the most important key points. 


Expert assistance
Companies are urgently advised to seek expert support in the development of a hygiene program. Company physicians, safety officers and hygiene experts can be consulted as experts. Suppliers and distribution partners of hygiene products also provide important information.


Protection against infection
In an office environment, desks should be moved as far apart as possible and should be at least 1.50 metres apart. In industrial areas where workplaces often cannot be separated that far, the use of acrylic glass dividers is recommended.


Protective equipment
Employers are required to provide each employee with an appropriate protective equipment,or example, masks, gloves or gowns.


Washing hands
Employees should be advised to practise hand hygiene before starting work. During working hours, workers should be given the time necessary to wash their hands in the washrooms. Water, soap and paper towels must be provided in sufficient quantity.


Hand hygiene
Employers in public health care systems should make hand sanitisers available.


Cleaning of surfaces
As coronaviruses can survive for hours or even days on surfaces, employers must ensure that surfaces are cleaned or even sanitised several times a day.


Vulnerable employee groups
Older workers or those with health conditions are at high risk. If they cannot work without having direct social contact with others, they must be excused from returning to work.


Staggered breaks and shifts
By staggering breaks and shifts, employers can make sure that not too many employees are in the company, in break rooms, at smoking areas or in the canteen at the same time.


Home Office
Employees should be advised to work from home  if possible. Face-to-face meetings should be avoided. Instead, telephone and video conferences should take place.


Public transport
Employees should be advised not to travel by bus or train. Instead, they should prioritise travel by bicycle or car.


Visitors from outside the company
If possible, visitors from outside the company should only be welcomed in exceptional circumstances. Furthermore, they should be informed about the company's safety precautions.


Take care of the health of your own employees
Employers should keep an eye on the health of their employees. If an employee shows symptoms that indicate a possible infection, he or she should self-isolate and contact to a doctor or the relevant health department for advice . Employers should consider asking employees who may have come into contact with the person who is unwell to self-isolate as a precaution against further transmission.


With the information provided in our blog we would like to make an active contribution to general health protection. Therefore, we regularly report on current developments and give tips on how you can protect your own health and that of others.


On our own behalf

Despite the increase in our production volumes, we cannot meet current demand from new customers. Therefore, we can only supply registered users, primarily from the health care, elderly care and public service sectors. If you belong to one of these groups, please use our registration form and we will activate your account.