Hand hygiene and surface disinfection
May 22, 2020
Hand hygiene and surface disinfection: How to make employees feel safe

Across Europe companies are slowly starting to open their doors and adjust to the new normal. Hand hygiene dispensers in the workplace can help employers reassure employees that they are coming back to a clean safe workplace, while systematic surface disinfection can also increase the feeling of safety.

Protection against infections

Even though many European countries are beginning to ease strict lockdown rules and are taking a step back towards normality, we must not delude ourselves. There will be no return to the everyday life we knew before the pandemic. The virus is still amongst us.

Thus we must continue to keep our distance from each other, and make sure that our hands are perfectly clean. As the World Health Organization says, washing our hands regularly is the best protection against infection. Many diseases can be transmitted through contact with contaminated surfaces, then touching your face with your fingers.

Where hand disinfectants should be available

In situations where neither soap nor water is available, the WHO recommends that hands should be sanitised regularly. Dispenser systems for hand sanitisers at all entrances to public buildings act as a great reminder to visitors to santise before proceeding any further.

They should also be placed here:

  • Before elevators
  • In hallways
  • In lobbies
  • In break rooms
  • In meeting rooms
  • In cafeterias
  • In canteens

Hand sanitising after going to the toilet? Better safe than sorry!

We also strongly recommend placing sanitiser dispensers in your toilets. As disturbing as it may sound, not everyone washes his or her hands sufficiently after going to the toilet.

Remember: thorough hand washing takes 20 to 30 seconds. The hands must be carefully soaped - both palms and the backs of the hands, the fingertips, the finger gaps and the thumbs. The fingernails should not be forgotten, either. However, only few people pay attention to such intensive hand hygiene on a day to day basis, so sanitising hands offers extra protection – for everybody.

Hand sanitising does not require too much effort and can be practiced "on the go", even if an employee is in a hurry, as the steps necessary are simple:

  • Activate dispenser
  • Rub sanitiser across palms, the backs of the hands and between the fingers.
  • Continue to run until hands are dry

Where is the Perfect Place for PURELL® Dispensers in Your Restrooms? Read more>>>

Surface sanitisation

It is also important to regularly clean surfaces that employees frequently come into contact with. PURELL® Surface Sanitising Spray kills germs safely and effectively within 60 seconds.

The alcohol-based liquid is formulated so that the alcohol content vaporises slowly leaving it on surfaces long enough to kill germs effectively. Note: when you clean or sanitise surfaces, always pay attention to the safety warnings and instructions for use on the bottles. The time a product needs to kill germs varies from manufacturer to manufacturer and product to product.

Cleanliness in the workplace - what employees can do

Clean surfaces should be a priority, especially in rooms used by everyone. Particular attention should be paid to  kitchen and break room areas, as germs can easily proliferate here, especially on:

  • Work surfaces, taps and sinks
  • Coffee pots and other shared items
  • Surfaces that come into contact with food such as chopping boards
  • Buttons and drawers
  • Cooking and cooking equipment
  • Reusable spices, salt and pepper shakers and napkin dispensers

When cleaning your facility, you should also consider areas that are frequently touched. They can contain a dangerous mixture of germs and pathogens. This is especially true for:

  • Door handles and knobs
  • Handrails
  • Buttons in the elevator
  • Light switches
  • Tools

And one final tip:encourage your employees to disinfect items in their immediate work area by themselves - their desktop, computer and keyboard for example. This can be done with hygienic wipes. All these elements together create a healthier, happier workforce.

Stay healthy!

On our own behalf

We are working hard to expand our production capacities, to help companies return to normality. The measures taken will enable GOJO to provide more PURELL® hand disinfectants, soap and surface disinfectants in the near future. Read more>>>

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